Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cript of the Hapsburgs

The other day I went to the Hapsburg royal cript. Almost all the dead Hapsburgs are burried there. The Hapsburgs ruled a part of Europe for along time. There were dozens of coffins and all were decorated with skulls, angels, and pictures of battles. The Hapsburg symbol (below) is a double headed eagle with two crowns. Maria Theresia and her husband, Francis of Lorrain are burried there and they have a huge double coffin!


  1. Cool! I always find places like this fascinating when I watch them on Discovery channel but also a little eerie. Good close up pic.

  2. Spooky, I don't know about the double coffin idea :-))
    Keep up the writing, it is nice to see what you are doing.
    Grandpa Tom (well, the one in Bali) :-))
